Welcome Everyone

Welcome to our Mini Muisus Blog...where you will find the "scoop" of what's going on as we await the arrival of our baby boy. So enjoy your visit, and don't forget to vote for names and due dates.....

Jared & Shannon

Monday, March 31, 2008

Week 27.1 News

Well Week 27 has come and gone. Saturday, Shannon had her baby shower #1. We received some awesome things. I had the luxury of loading and unloading the truck with the gifts. Shannon had such a nice time and most guests were able to attend. Big thanks to everyone!
I read today that week 27, Mini Muisus weighs in at approx. 2 lbs. Interesting that when Shannon and I went grocery shopping, I picked up a chuck roast that weighed 2lbs. No, I'm not really comparing our baby to a chuck roast! I think Mini Muisus will be a little cuter though.

Sunday was the start of week 28, It also marks the start of the third trimester. . . Shannon and I have been keeping our eye out for a bigger house. Something a little more accommodating for a growing family. We really don’t know what we’re going to do yet... as far as a time frame goes. We would love to build, but right now we will adjust to our new baby and then see what happens!

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