Welcome Everyone

Welcome to our Mini Muisus Blog...where you will find the "scoop" of what's going on as we await the arrival of our baby boy. So enjoy your visit, and don't forget to vote for names and due dates.....

Jared & Shannon

Friday, April 18, 2008

Week 29.9 News...

Well, as of today it is 70 days until Mini arrives. Things seem to be moving quicker each week now. Our pregancy checklist is getting marked off... pediatrician, hospital, baby's room, yadda, yadda, yadda. Shannon's doing great, Mini is holding his own, and Shannon is holding her own. He's been moving alot, from side to side, up and down. The other night, Shannon took my hand and placed it on her belly....She had me actually feeling his little butt and it was pretty amazing! So awesome that you can actually make out his little body, and how he was positioned!

The OB/GYN appointments will now move to every 2 weeks.

I bought Shannon a dozen roses today representing 70 days to go, and because she's been a trooper since day #1. Everything is going wonderfully.

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