Welcome Everyone

Welcome to our Mini Muisus Blog...where you will find the "scoop" of what's going on as we await the arrival of our baby boy. So enjoy your visit, and don't forget to vote for names and due dates.....

Jared & Shannon

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Week 37.4 News

Nothing much has changed...just anxiously awaiting the arrival. Whenever I speak to Shannon on the phone, I ask her how she's feeling....followed by "Do you feel any contractions?" She's gotta get sick of me asking her...but that's all part of the game. She picked up some Raspberry Leaf Tea at Wegmans yesterday. Yet another "natural" way to induce labor, I don't think it will be effective. Like Rocky Balboa said, "I gotta go out the way I gotta go out." Mini will be ready when he's ready.

This is by far has to be the hardest part of the pregnancy, the waiting game. Those last few weeks I'm by Shannon's side 93% of the time..I'll get her what she needs, if she tells me to do this, do that...I will, If she tells me to shut up, I will. It's about her and Mini.

Everyone close to us: family, co-workers, friends are all waiting for the wonderful news...so the suspense is built up around us.....

Then there's the suspense in waiting for the phone call from shannon when I'm not with her...."My water broke" or "I'm having contractions" "or even "Ooohhh"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is waiting for his Aunt Brittany to be home befor ehe comes out!